Trade In Your Samsung Galaxy A20E A202F (2019)

Got a Samsung Galaxy A20e to trade in? At 4gadgets, we can help you turn it into instant cash. We accept any model in any condition, whether fully working or faulty. If you can turn it on, we’ll buy it.

Sell any Samsung Galaxy A20e model to us. Blue, White, Black or Coral – we take devices in any of the four Samsung colours.

Find out how much you could sell your A20e for with 4gadgets today!

How much could I sell my Samsung A20e for?

Find the latest trade-in valuations for fully working and faulty A20e models on the product page. We regularly update our pricing to ensure you get the fairest price for your device.

And unlike some of our competitors, we don’t use confusing grading tiers. So, if your model meets our fully working criteria, you’ll get the listed price.

How do I sell my Samsung Galaxy A20e to 4gadgets?

A.   Visit the A20e product page – you’ll just need to answer a few questions about the condition of your smartphone and how you want to receive your payment.

B.   Pick whether you want our pre-paid labels that you can print off at home, or a freepost pack, which we’ll send out the same day.

C.   Package your A20e up and send it to us via post.

D.   We’ll send your money within just two days!

Why should I sell my Galaxy A20e to 4gadgets?

We're on a mission to reduce tech waste and make it easier for people to get the next big thing for a cheaper price. So often tech waste isn't disposed of properly. It goes to landfill sites. It leaks dangerous chemicals into the environment. It sees precious materials go to waste.

We want to create a circular economy that benefits the planet.

1.   You sell your Samsung Galaxy A20e to us for a fair price.
2.   We'll wipe it and put it through our rigorous testing process.
3.   We'll refurbish (if necessary) and grade it.
4.   We find new owners for our trade-ins on the second-hand market.

What if your Samsung Galaxy A20e s has seen better days? We remove any of the parts that still work and use them for spares. We’ll dispose of everything else responsibly. We have an average rating of 4.8 stars on Trustpilot, and we’ve been nominated for multiple awards too.

Put that old smartphone to better use – see how much you could earn with the Samsung Galaxy A20e trade-in service today!