Hidden Android features you should be using

Hidden Android features you should be using

Most people have heard about hidden features in iOS but did you know that android has some too?

Let’s take a look at some of the more useful ones and how they can help you.

Remote Access
Android device manager allows you to track, ring, lock or wipe your phone should you ever lose it. To access the full array of features, go to the ‘security’ section of your phone and tick access to android device manager. Then when you lose it you can use another phone or web browser to log in and find/erase it.

Screen Recording
Android now supports screen recording however to make use of this feature you will need to download an app from the android store that can do this.

Developer Mode
About > Software Information > More > Build number.

Tap on the build number numerous times until a message appears saying that you are now a developer. This unlocks a new menu back in the main settings with cool things you can play around with BUT be very careful as if not researched beforehand you could end up messing the phone up!

Smart Lock
Security is very important but can also be a hassle. Smart lock allows swipe access under certain conditions such as trusted face, trusted location, trusted device and on body detection.

Wi-Fi Direct
Android beam makes transferring files faster but download an app from the store to allow Wi-Fi beaming and save being capped by the Bluetooth bandwidth.

Control Data Usage
Go to the data usage section of your phone and switch background usage off app by app. This can affect how certain apps work though, so be selective when switching this option off.

Set a limit below your threshold to notify you when you reach it you being charged. Adjust the slider in the settings to the limit you want to be reminded at.

Owner Info When Lost
Go into the security settings of your phone and add the contact info you wish displayed on the lock screen to make it easier for someone to return your phone.

Recognise Tethered Phone Hotspots
Android devices will sometimes blow your data when connecting to a hotspot as it views this as a Wi-Fi connection. Simply go into your network restrictions menu and select which of your hotspots are Wi-Fi.

Priority Notifications
Under the sounds and notification settings you can edit which apps have priority or even switch some off.

Custom Lockout Time
Set a delay on how much time is required to pass before your phone auto-locks when not in use. Most phones will allow locking with the power button even if this is set up however.