Google recently released the Pixel XL 2, their newest attempt at a top of the range Premium Smartphone. After all the rumours and speculation before release, is the new Pixel 2 XL an improvement on the Pixel XL? What are the differences between the two?
One of the best new features that Google have embraced is the ‘Always on Display’, also recently adopted by Samsung and other manufacturers. This is a welcome addition to the Pixel 2 XL and even features a mode that shows you what song is currently playing in your vicinity. Another interesting feature is the ‘Active Edge’, which enables you to launch Google Assistant by simply squeezing the edges of the device.
Surprisingly, the Pixel 2 XL has stayed with the single lens camera instead of adopting the dual lens approach as seen on many modern flagship phones, although this does not detract from the quality of its camera. Sporting a 12.2MP main and 8MP front camera, the Pixel 2 XL more than keeps up with its closest rivals. Boasting software such as the new Portrait mode and Google Lens, there is more than enough quality in its camera capabilities.
One of the subtler differences between the Pixel 2 XL and the Pixel XL is the texturing. The device has a coating that gives the phone a bit more grip, meaning less accidents and broken screens. This addresses one of the bigger issues with the previous device. Also, the device is now jumping on board with the hottest new Smartphone trend, having minimal bezel as possible. It all comes together to give the Pixel 2 XL a sleek and smart finish.
Although all these new features sound great, you will be made to fork out for them. Starting from a price of £799 for the 64GB version, rising to £899 for the 128 GB. It is definitely a device on the high-end of the current market.
If you are after a device that easily competes with other top-tier devices, and are prepared to spend, then this is definitely a great choice of Premium phone on the market today. We will be stocking the Pixel 2 XL and Pixel 2 very soon, so keep an eye out for when they are listed. Stock won’t last long!